Friday, February 21, 2014

First year after DigiPen

A lot and not a lot has happened since I graduated from DigiPen. I immediately got a job at Cricket Moon Media as a flash artist where I continue to work at. There's a fair bit of animation and art I generate there, but it's mostly technical, being as it is a small game studio. It was rather difficult to transition from detailed, subtle hand-drawn and 3D animation to flash animation for toddlers, but I am getting paid to do it.

My senior film I completed almost a year ago won the Best Animation award at the recent Digital Arts Festival. It was really satisfying being handed the award directly from Tony White, an animator I greatly admire. It would be awesome to study hand-drawn animation under him some day.

My film has also been featured on, where I also did an interview. Check it out:


  1. How do I get in contact with you to discuss a project? Email me at

  2. HI Matt - I am friends with the Klassen family and I am seeking someone to do some educational videos. Do you ever work on the side? I sent a note to cricket media and no response. Reaching out directly as I am pulling together some of the most admired and experienced content providers for kids to create a model program that delivers affective education principles to kids in inspiring compact video modules. We want set a standard for supplemental education in the public and private school systems. But we must have super creative digital videographers on our team. This is high quality content already scripted needinf a graphic artist to drive it home. Please contact m if you would. Patti
