Friday, April 26, 2013

Beneath the Night Sea frame counts

Making 2D animation equals a lot of drawing. Below is the total number of hand-drawn assets that went into making Beneath the Night Sea. I triple-checked them to assure their accuracy.

Character animation - 1304 drawings
I split the character into two layers to make it easier to animate her follow through (hair/dress/fins). Here's this frame count broken down into pieces:

     Body layer - 588 drawings
     Follow through layer - 716 drawings

Backgrounds - 182 drawings
This number comes from multiple planes of parallax in some shots; as well as a hand-drawn move through space, which was 132 drawings.

Jellyfish - 480 drawings
They're not quite characters or backgrounds, so I counted them separately.

That brings the total number of drawings to 1966. Note that these were all drawn on paper, scanned, and then colored, one by one.

I also included animated lighting on the character, which was traditionally animated in Flash to save time. I animated both highlights and shadows this way, and ended up building many layers in each shot, so the total number of shadow/highlight mattes was 2864 images. This includes only the frames which were drawn from scratch. I'm not including the dozens of layers animated in After Effects with masks, because I didn't draw those.

If you count the digital animation I just described, excluding the non-hand-drawn elements of course, the final amount of drawings that made it into this project is 4830.

4830 drawings / 102 seconds (the length of the film) = average 47 drawings per second.

Another exclusion I decided not to count is all of the animation I made and cut out, but I think I'll leave it here.

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