Wednesday, September 26, 2012


A recent assignment was to illustrate a scene each from three Brothers Grimm stories. The stories were pre-chosen by the professor: The Wonderful Musician, The Elves and the Shoemaker, and Doctor Know-All.  I attempted a few different styles and experimented with methods for choosing and placing color and tone.

The scene from The Wonderful Musician where the woodsman defends the musician from the forest animals-

The scene from The Elves and the Shoemaker where the shoemaker first discovers the shoes made by the elves - 

And finally, the scene from Doctor Know-All where Crabbe, a poor peasant, visited a doctor's house. This is when Crabbe decided to become a doctor himself - 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Senior Project - some progress

Four weeks in...

The stack on the left are drawings which are "getting there." Not quite tied down, and perhaps missing some limbs or facial features, but are at a place where those things can easily be added. 

The stack on the right contains all of my previous attempts and scrapped drawings so far. I'm sure this stack will continue to grow as the semester goes on.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Andreas Deja

Andreas Deja swung around Digipen the other day, and ended up looking at all of the upcoming senior projects while he was here. When he looked at mine (a hand-drawn short), he remarked that I have a knack for 2D. I wonder if he meant it?

He was also kind enough to give me his autograph:

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Senior Project - Backgrounds

Here are some of the backgrounds for my project. They're still a work in progress for the most part.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Dialog Animation

This was my first attempt at dialog animation in Maya (spring 2012). There is a lot I dislike about this one, but I still think the main idea is pretty funny. Overall, it definitely needs clearer key poses and better lip sync. My planning thumbnails for this piece are in an earlier post.

For my second attempt at dialog animation, I decided to do my "thumbnails" in Flash to give myself a better idea of how the character could move. This was simplified and exaggerated a bit from my video reference, and my final version was exaggerated even more.

The environment in the final animation leave something to be desired, and it could use more polish, but I like how it always gets a laugh.